My Approach to Executive Search Consulting

1. Problem Analysis and Proposed Solution

Successful executive search consulting requires a thorough analysis of the client’s situation. This includes a solid understanding of the present market position, internal and external structures as well as company strategy of the forthcoming years. Before providing a proposal, I take the time to really understand my clients’ needs. Only then I agree together with my client on how to approach the search, conduct a detailed job description, candidate profile and the relevant target companies. Together with my client, I define the specific scope and nature of my consulting engagement.

2. The Systematic Search

The systematic search represents the core of my consulting work. My independence provides a maximum degree of search potential. Thorough research and personal discussions with industry experts provide me with the necessary market information to identify qualified executives for the position to be filled.

Once the best qualified candidates have been identified, I conduct written reports of the candidates’ vitae and assessments of potential fit to the position in question. These are then followed by personal meetings between the candidate, the client and myself. For confidentiality reasons, I offer to hold these meetings at my premises.

3. The Successful Completion

Once an agreement in principal has been reached, references with former superiors, peers and direct reports will be checked. 

In addition, I offer a background and reputation check, including verification of academic degrees.